Fertility Kingdom
Project Brief:
Fertility Kingdom is a branding project for a public campaign focused on women's reproductive rights. Drawing inspiration from the Barbie aesthetic, the brand identity constructs an anti-utopian narrative with an ironic twist, using hyper-feminine aesthetics to create strong visual impressions and attract wider public attention.

Fertility Kingdom是一个公共服务品牌项目,专注于女性的生育权利。品牌形象从《芭比》中汲取灵感,构建了一个反乌托邦的叙事,并带有讽刺意味。品牌整体使用极度女性化的设计风格打造视觉记忆点,吸引更广泛的公众关注。

The currency design represents the commodification of women's reproductive value.


Campaign Video